Monday, January 23, 2012

Version 0.9.4

Download JHSMovieSheets 0.9.4.

Well crap. New version is out, but I accidentally just deleted everything in my versioning draft entry in blogspot and unable to recover the notes on what I had changed.  I am kind of upset about it.

Since I don't have a comprehensive list anymore, I will hit the major points:
* Alternate Mappings: If some fields contain empty values, the field will be replaced by another field and it's value.  If neither have values, the primary field is displayed with "n/a" next to it.
* Automated Aspect Ratio pulling from IMDB for videos that are of type, DVD. [Will be trying to implement this for Blu-rays from in the next release.]
* Some other minor bug fixes.
* Force Subtitles: use token "forcesubtitles" (or just 'f') in the comments box, followed by the country's name that you want displayed as the subtitle nationality. So if you wanted to force French subtitles you would use "f France"

Sorry about the wait, and I hope you guys enjoy.


  1. Hi, is there any forum where we can discuss your template?

    I am trying to customise your latest template and am facing some challenges.

    Whenever, I open your template in ThumbGen designer and make any change anywhere, the media format section gets affected and I lose some of the info there. Even if I open a fresh template, I can see only TWO fields in that section.

    Please help.

  2. So I don't use Thumbgen Designer (TD) to do my development on the sheets. I do have TD [v1.0.16] on my system so I opened my template using TD to see what you might be talking about. From what I saw, TD is reporting that "SoundFormatLogo" and "ResolutionLogo" objects' size is only 1x1 pixels. If you save this configuration to the sheets, it would effectively make those two fields "disappear". Both objects are set to 40x27 pixels in my XML.

    This seems like this is probably a problem with TD. Since I have no visibility into the TD code base, you will need to open a ticket with thumbgen. You can do that here:

    * Make sure you mention what version of TD you are using.
    * Include a link to my sheets.
    * Specify the version number of my sheets.
    * Specify the sheet type you were using (maybe all three, I haven't checked the episode or season sheets to find out of they have this behavior as well)
    * Include a description of the problem (you could probably copy and paste the section where I describe it above)

    This should give Thumbgen enough material to reproduce the problem and get it fixed.

    In the mean time, if you would like help modifying the templates by hand I would be glad to lend an assist. You can contact me at

    Thanks so much for looking at my sheets!
